To source some ideas for this assignment, I read the below article for some ideas:

15 Fun and Interesting APIs to use for your next coding project in 2022

I found the NASA idea interesting for some reason.

The first step was obtaining my NASA API Key. I was really delighted that NASA makes this process extremely easy. It took less than two-minutes to be delivered to my email. Being that NASA is a government agency, I thought that there would’ve been more hurdles to clear. But this was straightforward. Since this is information about basic space dealings, it seems reasonable. I’m sure the more interesting stuff is kept much more confidentially.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 10.29.05 PM.png

Here is a sample of the NASA API’s that are currently available:

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 10.40.41 PM.png

I ended up using the first API shown - Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) ( )

🪄Astronomy Picture of the Day Result🪄

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 10.54.05 PM.png

p5 Code: