Welcome to my blog which documents my process is creating my twitter bot for Programming from A2Z with Professor Dan Shiffman.

Thanks to Professor Shiffman’s guide to making Discord bots, I had a bit of an idea on what I was doing.

Testing to make sure my setup is at least working

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 12.33.25 AM.png

After I made a Twitter (sorry I am not calling it X 🤷🏾‍♂️) profile, it was time for some actually coding

Credits to Professor Shiffman’s guide on Twitter bot making. Which is where I got the majority of the code I used to set this up:

GitHub - Programming-from-A-to-Z/Twitter-Bots-Maybe: Maybe Twitter Bots?

Once I set up my files..I kept on getting this error:

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 1.39.18 AM.png

What was the issue you ask?

I was referencing the wrong name for my .js file 🤦🏾‍♂️.